They Called Him Yeshua: The Story of the Young Jesus

How Jesus’s Unrecorded Years Shaped His Ministry

by Donald L. Brake & With Shelly Beach



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 2/12/2019

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 458
ISBN : 9781480872974
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 458
ISBN : 9781480872967
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 458
ISBN : 9781480872981

About the Book

Brake and Beach invite the reader to “time travel” into the first century, the world of an ordinary family facing extraordinary challenges, as they grapple with young Jesus’s developing self-awareness and preparation for His divine mission.


“With biblical and historical accuracy, insightful sanctified imagination and brilliant storytelling, Brake and Beach foreshadow what we know with certainty from the New Testament. Get ready for epiphanies aplenty.”

—David Sanford, executive editor of four Bibles published by Zondervan and Tyndale House


“In these pages, you are welcomed inside the home of a young son of Israel who is “growing in wisdom and stature.” Do step inside. Smell the morning bread baking. Feel the daily tension living in small-town Nazareth where the brutal Roman military is stationed. Reflect on the love, and the fear, and the faith of a family living amid oppressive pain from multiple sources—politics, the economy, and religion. And see the young boy blossom into the grown man who is the Savior of the world and its Deliverer. “I want to know my Lord more intimately. Don Brake has helped me. Reflecting on some of the pages here, I walked today where Jesus walked.”

—Stu Weber, pastor, author, and retired US Army awarded three Bronze Stars as a Green Beret in Vietnam. He is a best-selling author of several Gold Medallion finalist books.


“Brake writes as a scribe, communicating the scenes as they’re happening, yet making readers privy to under currents with powerful ramifications. Yes, this is a novel, but it is also devotional, study, and inspiration to draw us nearer to the One they called, Yeshua.”

—Mesu Andrews, Novelist of nine biblical character novels

About the Author

Donald L. Brake Sr., PhD, Dallas Theological Seminary; Dean Emeritus, Multnomah Biblical Seminary of Multnomah University.

The author’s experience as president of the Jerusalem University College (previously Institute of Holy Land Studies) has given him insight into the historical and geographical background of Israel and the life of Christ.

Dr. Brake has led tours to the Holy Land and has taught the life of Christ and the Bible’s historical/cultural backgrounds for more than thirty-five years.

Dr. Brake has written fifteen articles for the St. Louis Metro Voice, has published the Wycliffe New Testament, and has written various mission articles for magazines. His book A Visual History of the English Bible was published in 2008 (a 2009 Evangelical Christian Publishers Association Christian Book Award finalist); A Monarch’s Majestic Translation, in 2017; and A Visual History of the King James Bible, in 2011 (with Shelly Beach; also translated into Portuguese as Uma Historia Visual Da Biblia King James), a commemorative edition celebrating four hundred years of the King James Version. His major article “Versions, English” was published in The Interpreters Dictionary of the Bible, vol. 5, and he wrote Jesus, a Visual History with Todd Bolen, published in 2014.

Shelly Beach, MRE, Grand Rapids Theological Seminary

Shelly is an award-winning author of eight books of both fiction and nonfiction. She served as managing editor of Zondervan’s Hope in the Mourning Bible (Fall 2013) and was one of three writers of Zondervan’s NIV Stewardship Bible, as well as a contributor to Tyndale’s Mosaic Bible. She is cofounder of the Breathe Writer’s Conference and the Cedar Falls Christian Writer’s Workshop and speaks nationally on a wide variety of issues and presents seminars for Daughters of Destiny, a national women’s prison ministry. She is cofounder of PTSD Perspectives and presents educational seminars on posttraumatic stress disorder to medical and mental health professionals, counselors, social workers, law enforcement officers, child advocates, educators, and other professionals.