The Most

by Anna McCoy



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 2/27/2015

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 8.5x11
Page Count : 28
ISBN : 9781480815049
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x11
Page Count : 28
ISBN : 9781480815032
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 28
ISBN : 9781480815025

About the Book

A rhythmic and rhyming read with beautiful illustrations of your new best friends!  


Bianca, Ralphie, Libby, Ollie, Kate, Betsy, Leroy, and Jack teach us lots. Each adorable animal friend playfully acknowledges, shares, and celebrates their special purpose and unique differences. 


THE MOST is a perfect read for showing friends how to love and appreciate each other’s unique characteristics, helping families who are growing and communicating love to multiple children, and teaching children that love can be shared amongst many even in our differences. THE MOST facilitates conversation with children around learning new animals, accepting others, exploring colors, rhyming words, identifying unique traits, and creating friendships. 


A portion of the proceeds from THE MOST will be donated to YoungLives, 

an organization aiding young mothers in need.

About the Author

Anna McCoy is a Nashville local artist with a passion for watercolor painting. She is a proud aunt to three nephews and one niece who are her loves. Anna charmingly combined everything she loves—art, animals, and playful rhymes—into her first children’s book.