A Place in the Story

Indebted to the Past, We Owe More to the Future

by Don C. Davis ThB BA Mdiv



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 3/11/2015

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 140
ISBN : 9781480815315
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 140
ISBN : 9781480815308
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 140
ISBN : 9781480815322

About the Book

Which is better, to live on the holding edge of the past, or the growing edge of the future? 

Don Davis writes on the growing edge of the future. His novel, 

A Place In The Story, is about choosing to live on the growing edge.

The seven sequels are more than just the best of serious fiction; they tell the story of Dr. Kelly, beloved granddad, who is also a down-to-earth philosopher of life, future-vision speaker and writer, and a most unusual professor. 

Through A Place In The Story, we can shadow Dr. Kelly’s faith journey story and dare to dream our best dreams, then give them their best chance to happen as fellow pioneers of new tomorrows and the new sacred. 

We live in the greatest age in all human history! We are indebted to the past, but we owe more to the future. 

The rewards have never been greater for the human family to choose the identity markers of the Big Ten Universal Qualities to define our best future.

When we choose the Big Ten Universal Qualities for our identity markers our brain creates a kind of inner voice, a talisman, an alter ego, that magnetizes the identity markers that lead us to our higher self.

About the Author

Don C. Davis, ThB, BA, MDiv, has earned several degrees including a Master’s of Divinity. Davis has served as a minister in rural areas, small towns, and large cities. He and his wife Mary have two grown children and grandchildren. This novel is part of a seven-book series.