Grey was awake. She rubbed her eyes. She had the feeling of being alone. Sitting very still, she slowly began looking around at her surroundings. Grey became curious as to why she was sleeping on the ground. Then, with a flash she remembered. Almost everything was coming back to her. The feeling of being alone produced calm. Not knowing why she felt alone worried her, but not much. The nagging aloneness of her surroundings had her trying to concentrate, a feat hard to do on a sleep muddled brain. Still, in the fog of slumber and not thinking properly, it took a moment for her to remember why she had chosen to fall asleep upon the ground. A moment of guilt touched her spirit and she mentally brushed the thought away.
On a normal day she would have been up and working with the others in her family. A day of either preparing food or taking care of the animals would have been her schedule. Since meal preparation was the job of the women, she most likely would either be boiling something or preparing something to boil. She knew by the position of the sun, it was lunch time and her stomach began to make a noise of agreement. Vaguely, she remembered resting under a tree while hiding behind a large rock, hoping this spot would keep her safely hidden. Knowing now, that the hiding place was a tremendous success, she mentally filed it away for use in the future. Not being fully awake she did not see the danger, being alone, presented. Yawing and stretching, as if she were trying to get the energy circulating through her mind and body her eyes slowly passed over her surroundings.
The way the sun rested, warm upon her back and the scent of the desert grass filling the air with the sweetness of spring, gave her a few moments of calm. She loved the high desert. The desert was filled with the lovely pink, blue and red wild flowers which grew in profusion. The flowers were waiting for the rodents and birds to come and eat their fill of the seeds and petals they produced. The area was alive with movement and beauty, much of which she ignored.
Grey’s mind, being strong and intelligent, alerted her to a brewing danger. The mental fog, which encased her, was beginning to lift. She noticed the emptiness in the area where her family would have been working if they were still here. Her grandmother had told her, many times, about her gifts and their importance to the lives of others in her family. She came to believed she was too important for menial work and laboring was beneath her, therefore; she frequently let others do her share of the workload. She realized, now, that she would have learned much if she had worked alongside her siblings and she would have developed the kindness of mind and heart.
At the time knowing that her world was filled with many wonders to be investigated, she would frequently manage to disappear for hours while others, in her family, went to training to learn skills that were necessary for existing in the world today. She would spend time either daydreaming or playing, never realizing the problem she was creating for herself. Remorse for her actions was not an emotion she exhibited. She continued doing things her way even though she had been punished, many times. She did not want to change. With an impulsive jerk she wished for her grandmother, her guardian for many years. Her parents had disappeared in the early part of her life, one day they were there and the next day gone. Grey did not remember them.
Pushing her body up from the little nest of grass and leaves, she watched a twig fall upon her sun bronzed hand and her dark blue eyes filled with tears. Angrily she brushed the tears away, making a vow not to cry as she pretended to be strong. She believed that only the weak cried.
While she was looking around her she began remembering her dream. Once again in her dreams she was lifted beyond the stars where she saw many dragons flying from right to left encircling the Earth. Then, as she watched she saw a very large golden rope hanging down from the Universe and traveling all the way to the center of the Earth. It appeared that the Universe and the Earth were connected by an umbilical cord of golden rope a life-force. In her dream Grey watched as an enormous snake appeared and began to slither down the rope to the Earth. While the snake slowly traveled down the rope she heard a voice saying, “it has begun”. She was surprised when a great fear would fill her mind and as always, at this point, she would awaken and force her eyes to open afraid of what she might see and expecting the huge snake.
She felt the fear as she continued remembering. Every time she would awaken, from this dream, her lips would be in the shape of a silent scream and her throat would be so frozen that no sound could erupt and float up to her ears. Since she was given the dream more than a few times she was puzzled at what this dream meant to her and she wondered if it was important enough for her to study the dream further. Her mind, in the past, would dwell on the dream each time it presented itself but no answers ever came; after a length of time she would give up and continue her day. Today, after she awoke from the dream, she decided not to give it much thought and work on finding a secure place for the night and maybe longer. She waited a moment before striking out on her journey trying to feel the energy and wisdom of her family in the wind.
This, day, is the beginning of her journey to learn who she is and what her greatest strength would be, her path to follow. While she was gathering her courage she picked a direction to follow.
Being a person that enjoyed challenging others to contests, she believed she could finish her journey faster than any of the others had done and her accomplishment on her journey would become legend. She believed she was better than all of the others; therefore she needed lessons in humility. She had so much to learn and she was stubborn about her abilities. She believed when evening came she would have a hot meal and then she would study the message of the dream.
Her dark blue eyes began searching the land as she needed to prepare a place to camp. She had never been totally alone because there was always family. She was a little frightened and as she straightens her shoulders she tried to talk herself into being strong, it did not work.
Panic, she was gripped by the hand of panic; her emotions were taking over and her common sense disappeared. Logic was leaving her mind and rational thought evaporated. Her need to find her grandmother was very strong and the fear of being alone escalated. She began to run, as if demons were chasing her. Horrible thoughts filled her mind as she remembered what others said about them doing a journey. She ran on and the demons followed. As she ran she was calling loudly for her grandmother and receiving no answers. She was not thinking straight and her fear had her running with fright as she went faster and faster. All she could think about was the need to feel the safety of her grandmother. No answers came to her when she called and the aloneness screamed loudly in the silence.