Killing the Infidels

Al Qaeda in America

by Dr. Mark D. Sands



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 2/3/2015

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 242
ISBN : 9781480812512
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 242
ISBN : 9781480812536
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 242
ISBN : 9781480812529

About the Book

It is 1993, and Ramzi Yousef’s plan to blow up the World Trade Center and kill thousands has just failed miserably. As he scribbles on a cocktail napkin the details of his next plan to kill eighty thousand infidels, Yousef has no idea that an elite Joint Terrorism Task Force is secretly assembling with a sole mission of identifying and eliminating terrorist cells before they harm American citizens.

After an initial briefing at the Pentagon, Special Agent Mark Severide knows that he and his fellow agents must do everything in their power to stop the terrorists before they carry out another deadly mission. Armed with intelligence-gathering capabilities, wiretaps, and listening devices, the group soon identifies the terrorist cells’ leader: Usama bin Laden, a man with a fierce determination to kill Americans in the name of Allah. As Severide and the antiterrorist agents begin gathering information that help them uncover the cells’ frightening plots, they can only hope that their secret investigation is thorough enough to prevent an unthinkable catastrophe from occurring on American soil.

Killing the Infidels is a story of courage and dogged determination as members of an elite group of federal agents hunt down Al Qaeda cells in an effort to stop extremists from carrying out evil plans in the United States.

About the Author

Dr. Mark D. Sands entered the US Army as a military policeman in 1975 and ended his military career in 1991 as a special agent with the army’s elite criminal investigation division. He worked on hundreds of felony investigations that have now become the basis for his fictional writing. In 1995, Mark was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis and Degenerative Spinal Disease, however he uses these challenges to motivate others suffering from similar disabilities. Mark lives in California.