Dirt Don’t Hurt
Book Details
About the Book
A little boy loves playing in the dirt because dirt don’t hurt!
As he digs and dumps in the earthy brown goo, he happily searches for bugs and worms and curiously watches a colony of dirt mound ants. But before he knows it, it is time for a bath. Time sure flies while he is having fun. He can hardly wait for tomorrow when he can explore again!
Dirt Don’t Hurt is a tale for children who are encouraged and motivated to get dirty, helping them to learn and develop in positively gushy, gooey, and splashy ways.
About the Author
Vikki Franklin has been working with young children from teaching to managing child development programs for over twenty-five years. She holds a master’s degree in Early Childhood Education and has two adult sons. Ms. Vikki as lovingly referred to by children currently resides in Southern, California. This is her first book.