Always in Your Dreams/ Siempre en tus sueños

by Humberto Rodriguez



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 1/26/2015

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 24
ISBN : 9781480814530
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 8.5x11
Page Count : 24
ISBN : 9781480814523
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x11
Page Count : 24
ISBN : 9781480814516

About the Book

Kay Dee loves adventures with her best friend more than anything in the world. Together, she and her dad have lots of fun on their adventures that include facing a scary lion in a deep and dark jungle, eating Rocky Road ice cream, and spinning round and round until they both dizzily fall to the ground.

One night when her father gets very sick and has to go to the hospital, a man in funny blue clothes gives Kay Dee horrible news: her dad will never come home again. But that night after she finally falls asleep, Kay Dee receives a wonderful surprise that teaches her that her father will always be with her, no matter what.

Always in your Dreams is the comforting tale of a little girl’s adventurous journey as she celebrates her relationship with her father, learns to cope with her loss, and comes to understand the boundless power of his unconditional love for her—now and forever.

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A Kay Dee le encanta ir de aventuras con su mejor amigo. Juntos, ella y su papá se divierten en sus aventuras que incluyen enfrentarse a leones espantoso en una selva profunda y oscura, comer helado de chocolate, y darse vueltas y vueltas hasta que ambos vertigosamente caen al suelo.

Una noche cuando su papá se enferma y tiene que ir al hospital, un hombre vestido de azul le da a Kay Dee una noticia horrible: su papá no regresara a la casa. Pero esa noche después de que ella finalmente se duerme, Kay Dee recibe una sorpresa maravillosa que le enseña que su padre siempre estará con ella.

Siempre en tus sueños es un cuento de las aventuras que tuvo una niña mientras celebra su relación con su padre, aprende a lidiar con su perdida, y entiende del amor incondicional que el tiene por ella; hoy y siempre.

About the Author

Humberto Rodriguez and his wife have three daughters and live in Southern California. This is his first book.