My head is full of busyness . . . chitter, chatter, chitter, chatter . . . not just this afternoon, but also every afternoon of every minute for that matter.
Sometimes I wonder how I remember anything. I swear if it weren't for my smart phone . . . calling me a dummy. H-ha, I would never remember a thing. I often think that I am the only person who is honest enough . . . no, scratch that, dumb enough . . . to admit that without technology I wouldn't remember to wake up in the morning.
Okay, well maybe it's only that bad a few days a week, or maybe just the days that end in Y! Who cares? Hey, I think there is a country song to that effect, or maybe there should be some kind of song about the days I'd rather not wake up. Now that would truly be a typical country song, ha! Yes! Do you think that is refreshing or just plain stupid? I mean really that has got to be a blond thing, don’t you think? I don't know.
Suddenly my thoughts are interrupted as I feel a man standing over me waiting to take my order.
“O-oh shoot, is it my turn to order, well I don’t know, there is so much on this dang menu. I generally don't drink coffee, I just started for some odd reason, I think because it is cold here in New York and I am from a tropical climate,” I babble.
“E-excuse me mam?” The man stared at me, not understanding what the hell I was talking about.
“I’m looking for anything really just to warm my bones, coffee shops seem to be everywhere you go here, even back home . . .” I was having a conversation with myself, the man started to back away, I think he thought I was crazy.
“Okay, yes, yes! Come back. I'll just have a normal cup of coffee, that is black coffee.” My decision was made. The man looked at me like I was a sinner in his coffee house of saints. He walked away.
“Please I didn't say I wouldn't tip you!” I said under my breath.
Ah-ah yes! The warm cup immediately envelopes my hands, instead of the other way around. Is my cup blue? My cup should be blue from my cold hands on this frigid, grey day and I should be drinking something blue or out of something warm and blue... Or is that something people from a warm climate think of? I feel other customers staring at me holding my cup as if I’m praying. Yeah, praying that I was back home. I finish my coffee and it’s out into the grey, bleak weather again. I am lost with these people, can’t they see this human being was just trying to warm up!
I pull my coat tightly around me, and bury my mouth in the upturned collar. I begin to wonder why I felt I should be drinking something blue? I start to daydream; unaware of what’s around me.
Yes, the ocean is blue, and I remember the warm sand beneath my toes, I look up and imagine the blue sky meeting the horizon at sunset . . .
SCREECH! Honk! Honk!
Suddenly I’m back to the cold reality, I jump back onto the footpath.
“Sorry, I didn't see you,” I yell at the top of my voice, but the car is long gone. What’s his hurry? Jeez, one honk would have been sufficient, okay maybe two. C’mon do you even know or care how far out of my element I am at this point? I don't even know, I mutter under my breath feeling a little shaken up. I guess I just expect people to know that I have a situation in which a difficult choice has to be made between two or more alternatives.
It was now getting dark and its only 3:39 p.m. WHAT!!! Walking up the dead street to my still, quiet hotel, I am now shivering. I console myself by deciding that I'll call home for the next few weeks. How did I end up here, anyway? Oh yes, that's right I wanted to take on the world! I had this grand idea of being Ms. Business Tycoon. I would start start a world-class retail store and spa services of herbal products (living in Hawaii I had learned about the benefits of such products) that no one could turn down, I would give the public something different. Change the commercial approach to the business and have customers feel their warm functioning bodies as if in a tropical climate! Live a long fuller life. I would achieve an award for businesswoman of the year, three years running.
All of course, while continuing my top performing Construction Company in Maui with my partner there, and then sell out my share. Hmmm, can't rethink that dream now, time to forge on young or middle aged one. Besides, who wants to work with sweaty men who think they know it all when you could be dealing with young smart women who have your same ideals and passion, not to mention compassion, as you have. I believe in this, I can’t go wrong, I thought! Wrong? No, forge on young one, or hmmm . . . who am I kidding . . . middle aged one!
The next day I was faced with reports, phone calls, fires to put out and a meeting to prep for. Wow! Sounds like a great Friday night, like I ever had Friday nights anyway? I think, dare I wonder what that would be like? I do wonder what it is like to be longed for, kissed in the moonlight like the words of a song. I would say movies, but I never really have time for those . . . No, not complaining at all, just mentioning, you will get to know me better and understand.
Okay, Tia, mind back on work and stop daydreaming about Prince Mr. Stud! You have a construction crew waiting in the dawn hours on a job site on Kauai, Hawaii. Now, get your rear on the phone and call them, then prepare for Mr. Boss who will be here for a meeting tomorrow morning. Girlfriend, you really need to prep for that one because if your co-owner decides to bail on you, you’re going to need to know who your friends and enemies are real quick, and it's not looking good.
I quickly call my partner in Hawaii and he assures me everything is going to schedule. He wants to know how I am, but I quickly tell him that I have to go. I don’t want him knowing what I’m doing over here, the last thing I need right now is a concerned partner in Hawaii. I spend the rest of my day preparing for my meeting the next morning with the only prospect I have found for taking over the business. We are scheduled to meet at 9 a. m. in my hotel lobby.
I walk down to the lobby the next morning and standing by the door is this burly character wearing a heavy wool coat dangling around his calves. On his head covering his grey hair is a ridiculous looking, close-fitting hat sitting on the back of the head. I think they call them beanies. I walk over to him.
“Mr. Snow good morning, I am Tia Malone,” I extend my hand. “It is good to meet with you in person, I have a lot to talk to you about,” I say eagerly.
“Good morning Ms. Malone.”
He shook my hand gently. Why can’t men give a woman a firm handshake?
“Let’s sit at that table,” I pointed, “it is closest to the fireplace, it will be a lot warmer and then you can take off your coat and hat. He hesitated, and looked preoccupied.
“Sorry, Ms. Malone I can’t stay. I’ve been called away.” He turned to speak with the doorman. “Please get me a cab?”
“B-but I thought we were going to have a meeting, are you not interested in taking over the business?”
“Ms. Malone, this isn’t about you. I have a personal emergency and will call you in a few days,” he said abruptly. I questioned if he hadn't been prepped, or maybe at first glance I just didn't impress him. Either way, I certainly wasn’t encouraged with the outcome of the meeting.