Feel the Bhagavad Gita
....A new interpretation
• In this attempt, “Feel the Bhagavad Gita’, approach is distinctly different. Objective is different. Treatment of the subject material is different. The Bhagavad Gita is not a religious book. This is the premise on which present volume has been written. It guides the readers towards eternal origin, far destiny and purpose of existence.
• The Bhagavad Gita can be understood only when the underlying ancient thoughts, taken for granted in this discussion or referred to here and there, are taken into account. For this reason, a section has been included under the heading “Preparing for the Bhagavad Gita” in the introduction. This section includes a flow chart under the heading “Cosmic Eternal Flow” followed by the discussion of its contents. This chart is a unique contribution of this attempt and throws light on such questions as: i) Who am I? ii) Where did I come from? Where will I go? This chart will also explain why Krishna is talking, as he is talking.
• To feel the Bhagavad Gita, it is necessary to understand the difference between the “Never Changing” and “Ever Changing” aspects of a being (one in existence). For this reason, a table has been included in the introduction showing “different bodies and different elements of an individual”. This is again a unique contribution of this volume. First column of this table shows the spiritual body, representing the “eternal existence” within an individual. This is the “Never Changing aspect” of an individual. Rest of the columns shows the 31 elements of an individual i.e. the “Ever Changing” aspect of an individual. Krishna (The Infinite speaking as finite) often refers to this “Never Changing” aspect of an individual while discussing the various paths (path of knowledge; path of action and path of devotion). Krishna again emphasizes this never changing aspect in a being while using the pronouns (This; That; I; Me; That only). In this zone (Never Changing aspect), one feels strange silence (a silence which communicates without use of words), strange ever expanding blessedness, strange awareness uniquely charged and strange all-embracing peace (different from mere absence of noise). This “universal awareness” will uncover what it is essentially and irrefutably common in individuals in one part of the world (say Indian, Sri Lankan or Iranian) and the individuals in the other part of the world (say American or British or Palestine). Are they not having “common never breakable bond”? Are they all not coming from the same “Eternal Source”? Then, the reader will understand the meaning of “One” in all and all in “One” i.e. the key message of the Bhagavad Gita. Then, the individual will understand that “That alone” exists. None else exists. All else are shadows bound to get decimated in the march of time. On understanding the true import of words of Krishna, the individual will understand that one has to give proper respect and honor both to “The Reality” and its shadows (Divine Manifestations on the eternal pathway).
• The discussion in the Bhagavad Gita starts with self-awareness, self-knowledge. One must know – “who is ‘HE’ within me, who, without my knowledge, witnesses my each thought, my each action and my whole being inside out?”. If one knows to get to this level of consciousness, there remains nothing else remaining to be known. All human afflictions dissolve into bliss ever expanding and “Unlimited Freedom” from all possible limitations ensues. Then one realizes that this “True Wonder; Never Changing” aspect of the world is available everywhere, in the minutest part of the body, in the vast expanse of the cosmos and interconnectedness of these and all things. Getting to this level of awareness requires a particular skill (culmination of different disciplines; yoga), a change in perspective and self-renewal in divine knowledge. Everything is dealt with in this volume.
• The Bhagavad Gita does not mention about caste, creed and religion anywhere. It is based on the thinking that one, who has attained the goal of human life, finds perfect harmony with the other beings (those, in existence in any part of the world), with the nature (creation including environment) and with the “undisturbed union with eternal existence within, an amalgam of bliss, consciousness and peace”. It is a universal manual on living. Actually our differences are evidences of our ignorance. Even this difference of “Never Changing” and “Ever Changing” dissolves, when one gets established in the ocean of joy, in the peace unlimited right within one’s own self. Reaching in this zone, an individual realizes that love (unlimited, without reason, without condition, ever abiding, ever resplendent and ever expanding; ever renewing) is the highest bliss. Then, an experiential awakening occurs. Each individual is more than himself or herself. Each individual is one with the “All”. One is inseparably linked with the other in the divine common bond.
• Lord Krishna at one place says “... after having obtained the divine knowledge, an individual promptly attains peace”. Given below is an example how attempt is made in this volume to give the “feel of the words” of Lord Krishna without any interference:
• What is Divine knowledge? This divine wisdom is not learnt from books or lectures. It grows within as an outgrowth of various spiritual disciplines. It is realization of an inherent connection with something, some energy which is beyond mentionable reasons and tangible proofs. The first realization is the difference between the truth (never changing aspect) and the untruth (ever changing aspect or nature). This difference dawns internally as a matter of experience gradually in due course. A strange touch occurs within. One experiences that individual is not body alone. Truth of the self is divinity (exclusive combination of attributes like eternity, consciousness and knowledge within) i.e. ever continuing divine energy. With this internalized change, the ignorance, that self is body goes away, resulting in a state of desire-less-ness. That, which brings about this experiential awakening, is divine knowledge.
• What is this peace? It is not an absence of noise alone. It is not peace of sensory level or psychological level. It is the peace at the divine level or the deepest level of human personality. This peace is experienced only when one touches the deepest core in one’s own being i.e. all within one’s own self. There remains nothing to be achieved after this peace. This “Supreme-Peace” is the reward of having achieved the highest level, achievable by a living entity. No words are exchanged in this state. It is a state of experience only, experience not at sensory level but at the level of conscience. It is a state of contentment. It is a state of bliss. In this state, there is no desire, no duality, no misery. Your awareness is at peak, but you just do not need anything anymore. You were two when you started. What is this that happens in this spell of Supreme Peace? You alone are there now in this zone of peace and you are the cause of everything. “Everything that you turn your attention to” simply seems belonging to you, your own outgrowth, your own extension and your own very self. This Supreme Peace is a fruit of divine knowledge. It is a state, an abode of the Supreme, an island right within you, which your Divine Knowledge established you in. This Peace is not an ordinary peace. It is a soothing feel of the Divinity. It is a state of self realization. It is the end result of spiritual sadhna. Sadhna (pursuit of spiritual disciplines) reaches its culmination (highest point) here and sadhak realizes here what the supreme grace of the Lord is. The sadhak feels astonished, amazed, completely at loss for the words.