You Can Look but Don’t Touch
A Real-Life Game Changer for Single Women!
Book Details
About the Book
A pair of shoes can make or break an outfit. Likewise, the insight shared in this book can make or break how you live out your singleness.
Single living is bigger than doing what you want, when you want and how you want. It goes beyond having a man or finding one that will put a ring on it!
God has given us a blueprint for successful living as single women. This book challenges current concepts, familiar lifestyle choices and common standards.
If you want practical steps, creative examples and real-life scenarios, KeeBe encourages you to embark on this reading journey. This book will drastically change your single experience.
Ladies, there is no better time than the present! I can’t think of anyone more deserving of a single-life makeover. Congratulations on taking your first step towards next dimension single living!
About the Author
KeeBe is a successful single woman, mother, educator, coach and speaker. She is committed to living life in a manner that pleases God and encourages others. She has been given the keys to successful single living. KeeBe resides in Maryland with her children, immediate family and adorable maltese, “Fancy.”