
Little Fantasies Raising Deeper Questions about the Nature of Law

by J. Stanley McQuade



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 8/30/2016

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 156
ISBN : 9781480834354
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 156
ISBN : 9781480834361

About the Book

J. Stanley McQuade, a longtime professor of law, knows all too well that you can’t teach the subject by reiterating technical rules and procedures.

To really understand law and how it works, it is necessary to identify and consider the underlying ideas that led to the creation of law and legal systems. That’s exactly what he does in this collection of stories.

All of the characters in each of the stories—except one—are entirely fictitious, but they provide a critical introduction to important thinkers who have contributed substantially to the development of law, such as John Austin, the American legal realists, Bentham, John Rawls, St. Thomas Aquinas, and others.

The stories also explore topics such as the nature of legal science, legal logic, the place of moral values in the law, and the proper conduct of law reform.

Whether you’re a student seeking to answer questions about important founding principles of the law, a teacher aiming to make learning about law fun and interesting, or someone simply craving more knowledge, you’ll learn valuable lessons about the legal system with Jurisfictions.

About the Author

J. Stanley McQuade is the Lynch Professor of the Philosophy of Law at the Norman Adrian Wiggins School of Law in Raleigh, North Carolina. Born in Bangor, Northern Ireland, he has spent much of his career in the United States. He holds advanced degrees in law, philosophy, theology and medicine. He is a board certified anesthesiologist and an ordained Methodist minister.