The Shattering War

by James Edward



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 6/21/2016

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 420
ISBN : 9781480832145
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 420
ISBN : 9781480832138

About the Book

After twenty-two years in the service, Ray Hunter is a disgraced fleet captain, having put his crew and frigate in harm’s way. He’s about to get kicked out, but he is offered an enticing off-the-books proposition.

Admiral Weatherfew tells Hunter he has the right mix of experience in both command and administration, and he’d be a perfect fit for a black operation to build a force to counter the rising threat of the Parliamentary Ruling Council. If Hunter accepts, he’s told not to fail or the world will be plunged into a dark age of despotism and mayhem, and millions will die.

Hunter is asked to enter a non-descript system with no habitable planets to create an infrastructure as a last-ditch effort against the anarchy and chaos that’s slowly destroying the empire. He must not only build this safe haven, but gather people and materials to defend it against all comers.

About the Author

James Edward worked most of his life in the oil patch in northern and western Canada as well as in Jordan, United Arab Emirates, and the Philippines. He is now retired and spends his time writing. He currently lives in British Columbia.