The Cotton Candy Kid

by Jacqueline McComas & Illustrated by Susan Shorter



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 1/11/2017

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 22
ISBN : 9781480841963
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x8.5
Page Count : 24
ISBN : 9781480841956

About the Book

If anyone loves cotton candy, it is Casey. In fact, the little cowboy adores it so much that everyone has now started to call him The Cotton Candy Kid because he uses his cotton candy in the most unusual ways. As Casey twirls, bends, stretches, squeezes, and rolls sweet fluffy clouds to help others get out of sticky situations, something unexpected happens when his old cotton candy machine suddenly goes wild. Will the Cotton Candy Kid survive his adventure? In this playful children’s tale, a heroic cowboy offers a glimpse into his amusing journey as he discovers the magic power of cotton candy and creates a yummy recipe for a sweet treat.

About the Author

Cotton candy is one of Jacqueline’s favorite treats so it was easy to write this story. She also wrote The Popcorn Princess and The Whistling Bunny Rabbit books. Older children might enjoy The Chocolate Meat Market. Her books include a page of facts and an original recipe. McComas taught first-grade, was an executive secretary, and has won cooking contests. She lives near Philadelphia, survived cancer, and continues to write.