Healthy Snacks
Little One . . . Choose nutritious foods that will help you grow big and strong. Eat what your Mother and Father prepare for you at mealtimes and do not snack all day long. Be willing to try different things to see if you like them. Remember . . . fruits and vegetables are good for you.
Parents . . . Children are learning good eating habits from the food that is prepared for them in the home. Encourage toddlers to try different foods and serve them a variety of healthy fruits and vegetables in order for them to grow properly. Snacking all day will decrease their appetite and cause poor eating habits. Keep sweets to a minimum and praise their healthy food choices.
Good Morning Sunshine!
Little One . . . Children should wake up with a smile on their face and ready to have a fun and happy day. This is not hard to do if you have had a good restful sleep. Toddlers should wake up ready to play, play, play!
Parents . . . It would be wonderful for a child’s sweet and happy disposition to continue all day, but as we know . . . this is not always the case. Encourage positive attitudes concerning behavior and reward favorable conduct from your toddler. Your job is to teach and nurture the skills necessary for your little bundle of joy to develop into a pleasant, responsible, and helpful individual. Remember to insist on direct eye contact between you and your child when communicating. The parent’s attitude and tone while talking to your little one is very important. Happiness is contagious!
It’s Potty Time!!
Little One . . . Toddlers should learn to use the “BIG” potty as soon as they are able. Show Mommy and Daddy what a big girl or boy you are by going to the big potty and not messing up a diaper. Remember . . . wash your hands when you finish!
Parents . . . Potty training will require persistence and encouragement from the parents and/or caregiver. It is a slow process for many children to learn toilet skills, but some little ones are fast learners! Try to develop a regular schedule for “Potty Time” and be consistent. Praise and positive encouragement will be most helpful in this learning process. Life is so much easier once a child is totally potty trained. Be sure your little one flushes the toilet and washes their hands with soap after using the potty. This is also a good time to teach little boys to lower the toilet seat when finished.
Little One . . . You should share with your sisters and brothers as well as other playmates. Share with others the way that you would want others to share with you. Always be a good friend by sharing.
Parents . . . Sharing is a difficult skill for a toddler to learn. They think that everything belongs to them and they are reluctant to let others play with their toys. It is important to teach them to share and do it with a loving attitude. Sharing is a part of life and you want your toddler to be generous and giving. This is an excellent opportunity to teach them the Golden Rule . . . “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”
Child Safety
Little One . . . Babies must learn to be as careful as possible, but Mommy and Daddy will teach you every day about being safe. Listen to your parents and learn the safety rules in your home. Know where to go in case there is a fire or other emergency. Being safe is very important!
Parents . . . Long before babies can walk or talk they are getting lessons from adults about the importance of being careful and safe. No adult wants a child to be injured as a result of rolling off of a changing table, petting an unfriendly animal, or not being strapped in a car seat properly. Our job as parents is to nurture our children and provide love, guidance, and protection. We need to teach little ones to be safe in their world and to be aware of the dangers that exist. Teach them where to go in case there is an emergency. Create a Safety List and go over it regularly with your children to be sure they are prepared if a dangerous or unexpected situation occurs. Be sure your home is safe for little ones so monitor this carefully and frequently.
Screen Time for Toddlers
Little One . . . Babies love to be active. Children learn by crawling, climbing, playing, walking, and running. You learn by having fun! Do not sit in front of the TV too much or play games on the I Pad for a long time. Get up and dance!!
Parents . . . There are many electronic devices that teach wonderful lessons to your children, but please limit your toddler’s constant exposure to them. Physical play contributes to your child’s mental and emotional development. Little ones need the chance to interact with you and other children, which is crucial for learning to talk to and relate to people. Time spent playing with a tablet or smart phone means time spent NOT crawling, walking, climbing, and exploring their environment. While your toddler is small, parents need to set clear guidelines and expectations regarding the time spent in front of these devices. Also parents, be sure that YOU limit YOUR phone and texting time and spend quality time with your children! Many times little ones can not hear what you are saying because they see what you are doing . . . Actions speaks louder than words!