Demystify Sin 4.0

New World Order

by Ola Faseku



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 7/25/2017

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 474
ISBN : 9781480845862
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 474
ISBN : 9781480845848
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 474
ISBN : 9781480845855

About the Book

De-Mystify Sin explains how making a simple commitment to honour covenant and to obey commandment provides means to overcome sin, the devil and his powers of darkness, and how it provides leverage to overcome temptation, persecution, the antichrist, and the kingdom of the beast that is coming along very soon. De-Mystify Sin shows us how we will achieve all that easily with minimum fuss; how we will achieve the deepest fulfillment and soul satisfaction in the current form of human existence.

De-Mystify Sin 4.0 shows us what is going on inside the kingdom of darkness: what the entirety of evil and darkness is up to. It gives us information on very simple techniques to help us effectively deal with the imposition of evil that is in progress across the world. De-Mystify Sin 4.0 shows us clearly how we will deal with the antichrist, his agents and the kingdom of the beast in a very practically manner; how we will overcome the antichrist, his image, his mark, the number of his name, etc. De-Mystify Sin 4.0 explains the true nature and spiritual basis of the wars ahead of us as well as the significant events that are in the offing.

About the Author

A chartered professional in multiple disciplines, he is a child of GOD, true believer in Jesus Christ, called by GOD, elect by grace as an evangelist. He has a passion for the art of spiritual warfare, having been trained, and having overcome unimaginable adversity.

He received the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Jesus Christ, as well as understanding of scriptures, insight into darkness and knowledge of the times. He shares truth clearly without fear.