Breaking the Shield

Introduction to Inspiration Engineering: Philosophy, Practices and Success Stories

by Mohamed Buheji & Dunya Ahmed



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 8/28/2017

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 470
ISBN : 9781480848078
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 470
ISBN : 9781480848061

About the Book

Inspiration as a phenomena have been around since beginning of time, however it never been in history of mankind an important currency that can be engineered and developed. The level of success of future developments depends on our ability to design and engineer inspiration. Inspiration Engineering therefore more than a trend, it is a capacity developing concept that long been undermined or gone unstudied.

In “Breaking the Shield”, Mohamed Buheji and Dunya Ahmed explore their innovative concept “Inspiration Engineering” which can help to create and manage inspiration in ways never been discussed before. The authors discuss how to use inspiration to influence change without power or with minimal resources, or how to approach problems or challenges or failures or losses to create from them sources of inspiration. This book breaks the shield in many hidden spots and help to explore new unseen opportunities through different case studies.

Discover how people, organizations, and societies can tap hidden powers, bolster their influence, and reach new levels of achievements by laying the foundation for an inspiration economy.

About the Author

Dr. Mohamed Buheji is the founder of International Institute of Inspirational Economy. He is considered a leading expert in the areas of Excellence, Knowledge, Innovation, Inspiration, Change Management and enhancement of Competitiveness for over 25 years, besides being a retired professor from University of Bahrain. Dr Buheji is also the Founder of Inspiration Economy Journal & Int’l Youth Economy Journal. He teaches classes that are relevant to Innovation, Entrepreneurship, Knowledge & Change Management and Current Issues to both MBA Students and undergraduates. Besides he leads seminars on the Subject of Inspiration Engineering & inspiration Labs Dr Buheji has published since 2008 more than 40 peer-reviewed journal and conference papers and 14 books mostly in Arabic about thinking, lifelong learning, quality of life, inspiration and competitiveness. Also he has one book in English about Knowledge Management Influence on Government Competitiveness. Dr Buheji is passionate about transferring his + 500 consultancy projects experience for more than 300 organisations from all over the world, to both education and research. In addition, he serves in the editorial board of 5 internationally peer reviewed journals in the same fields. You can reach Dr Mohamed Buheji, directly through email: or through accessing his web site:, Also, he is available for direct call at +973-33388150

Dr. Dunya Ahmed is co-founder of International Institute of Inspirational Economy (IIIE). She is Scientific Committee Chairperson in IIIE and assistant professor and lecturer in the Department of Social Sciences at the University of Bahrain, in addition she is Strategic Planning & Development Adviser in Supreme Council for Women in Kingdom of Bahrain. She completed her PhD in social work at the University of Warwick, specializing in gender, disability, and Islam. She is the first person to hold a PhD in social work in Bahrain and concentrates mainly on gender equity and the rights of people with disabilities.

Dr. Dunya teaches classes that are relevant socio-economy, social rights and societies. Besides being active in these topics as a board and an active member of several local and regional NGOs & leads lots of governmental & non-governmental projects that help in changing & inspiring societies. She is also Editorial Board of several international scientific journals (i.e. Journal of Inspiration Economy) & co-founder of & International Youth Economy Journal. Dr.Dunya is a believer that the world can be changed through inspiration economy & youth economy, which she publish, speak, train on internationally as a mission of her life. You can reach Dr Dunya Ahmed, directly through email: