The Amazing Scientific Adventures of Harvy, a Brilliant Cane
Book Details
About the Book
PG is getting on in years, and he bought a brilliant, cherrywood cane to help him walk. PG named the cane Harvy, and the two became great companions. The special thing about Harvy is that he can talk. He has the inquisitive mind and vivid imagination of a child and a special curiosity about science.
The story begins at JFK airport where Harvy is entranced by escalators, and he wonders where the moving stairs go once the basement fills up. Harvy also wonders about the origins of this mystical force called gravity. He's fascinated by the laws of buoyancy, flotation, and the wonders of flight. Why don't airplanes have to flap their wings like birds to fly? Why can humming birds hover without having rotating blades like a helicopter?
A fiction book for children, The Amazing Scientific Adventures of Harvy, a Brilliant Cane offers a fun look at science and space through the eyes of a talking cane.
"Blending together the perfect mix of scientific facts and fantasy, this thought provoking book will spark curiosity and wonder in all the budding middle—grade scientists who venture into the fascinating world of Harvy, the Brilliant Cane. Harvy's engrossing and inspiring story teaches and entertains on every page. Thank you Dr. Weinbaum for creating the quirky character of Harvy, who makes learning about science an experience to remember."
—Kathleen Tarbell, BS, MLS Middle School teacher and School Librarian for 30 years.
State College PA School District and New York City Department of Education
About the Author
Sheldon Weinbaum is a grandfather and a scientist, one of a handful of living individuals who is a member of all three US national academies: Science NAS, Engineering NAE, and Medicine NAM. He is a CUNY distinguished professor of biomedical engineering and has taught at the The City College of New York for fifty years. Weinbaum has always loved telling whimsical stories to children that stimulate their imagination and pique their interest in science.