Parched Paper
A Tapestry of Words
Book Details
About the Book
“When are you truly happy?”
he asked.
“When I am writing”, she said.
Creating worlds out of empty space, breathing life into blank pages, quenching Parched Paper with the ink of life. For I am mortal and will fade away into dust and air, but my words will live and breathe and my voice will echo across the void of time and space.... and thus will I live forever. This book is born out of that desire to leave behind the essence of me, in ink.
Parched Paper, is a collection of poems expressing the many hues of human emotions- some clothed in subtlety, others laid bare in raw, naked verses yet all strung by the common threads of hope and life. This tapestry of words will resonate with you, and leave you smiling or pondering, long after you have shut its pages.
About the Author
Kasturi Ghosh is a banker by profession and a wordsmith by compulsion. She has built a career that has allowed her to set up home on three continents and visit dozens of countries, allowing her to observe the intriguing cultural diversity of geographies and the common thread of human emotions that bind us all. Kasturi lives in Vancouver with her spouse and aquamarine-hued pet fish.