Free to Be

by Rev Don Bloch Ph.D.



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 3/4/2022

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 194
ISBN : 9781665718479
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 194
ISBN : 9781665718486
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 194
ISBN : 9781665718462

About the Book

The message of the Bible is basically a call to freedom, an idea supported by numerous scriptures. Freedom is where God desires us. Although He calls us to be free to work as kingdom builders, Free to Be also calls us to become even closer to Him.
This Christian study explores the possibilities of how we can set ourselves free from long-term bondage with the help of Jesus. Intended both for those ministering to others dealing with past wounds and for those still struggling with the journey toward self-worth and value of self and others. It addresses barriers that may prevent you from reaching for freedom and provides a road map to help you get around those obstacles. God’s call upon our lives is to live in freedom with Him and with our neighbors. There are many steps to this freedom, but God’s Word claims through the atoning sacrifice of His only Son, Jesus our Messiah, that we are free of our sinful nature. And if we have the Son, we are free indeed!
Uplifting and personal, this study and testimony encourages you to embrace God’s call to freedom by drawing closer to Him.

About the Author

The author has been mentored by such spiritual giants as Francis and Judith MacNutt, Dennis and Rita Bennett, Tom White, David Seamands, and Ruth Carter Stapleton. He and his wife, Anne, have traveled from Hawaii to Maine in the U.S.A. as well as Canada and the U.K. holding weekend seminars. They have seen thousands of people set free to be! The author was nudged by God at the fun age of 92 to compose this book for you!