Love songs

Small Tender Essays

by Judy Pollard Smith



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 8/10/2022

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 170
ISBN : 9781665726795
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 170
ISBN : 9781665726801

About the Book

The reader will enjoy several finely crafted personal essays interspersed with amusing vignettes. The essays provide a spirited and sensitive look at nature, music, literature, family, friends, heritage, multiculturalism and personal loss. Some of the essays have been previously published in newspapers or magazines. They are short, salient and to the point. This small tender book offers a unique glimpse at grief recovery. What do the bereaved do with the long corridor of empty hours? How do they go about recreating life? Where does the balance sit between continuing in sorrow or telling oneself that putting one foot in front of the other is essential? How do we hold onto the history of our loved ones? What life rafts have we in order when we need them? Who and what will we put in the drivers seat? In spite of the the loss factor the authour’s lyrical writing style brings smiles and hope. It is forward looking and honest. It is a calming read for lovers of life.

About the Author

In her house are boxes of thirty-five year’s worth of journals that she began to keep when their youngest child was five. “Had my forbearers kept journals that I could look at years later I would have loved them for it. I hope our children will love me for it too when they are trying to find room for them someday.” Her essays, book reviews, short stories, and travel articles have appeared in The Globe and Mail, The National Post, The Hamilton Spectator, Room magazine, and women’s magazines in England. Her name is engraved on The Lady Violet Astor Rosebowl, which lives in the library in Chawton House, Jane Austen’s home. It was awarded to her for a Globe and Mail essay by The Society of Women Writers and Journalists in England. She has written two previous books, one about Lady Alice Seeley Harris (1870-1970), whose photography of abuses in the rubber trade helped to remove King Leopold’s grasp on Congo. Her other book was the journal she started on her seventieth birthday and kept every day for one year. It was her experiment in making every moment count: The More The Merrier ~ Celebrating Seventy from Archway Publishing. She thanks her family for being wonderful, her friends because they are too, as are the good people from all over the world who have woven the richest of tapestries into the lives of her family. Threads of gold indeed. One of her favourite sign-offs is that which Emily Carr wrote at the end of her letters to her great friend Ira Dilworth, “Oodles of love,” which Emily eventually shortened to “Oodles.” To all of you, she sends “oodles.”