A New Paradigm for Excellence in American Education

A challenge to change the way we think about learning and education based on common sense and scientific progress.

by Charles K. Stallard & Julie E. Cocker



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 11/12/2023

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 436
ISBN : 9781665749909
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 436
ISBN : 9781665749893
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 436
ISBN : 9781665749916

About the Book

Stallard and Cocker examine why America's schools continue failing to meet the needs of children and society. It explains why the present system cannot be reformed and why a new vision of how children and youth prepare for adulthood must replace it. The process begins with making School Choice a national option. Doing so will create a market for educational services beyond what traditional schools can provide. Their thesis holds that conventional schools are organized around teaching, not learning and that current schools' design and resources were developed to facilitate teaching, not learning. The new paradigm is all about learning and how to support each learner through the process of becoming educated. The authors explain why Education is not a profession and why there is no Science of Education. They cite research in other fields that could improve learning and explain why that knowledge has yet to be applied. They show how government bureaucracies have impeded the adoption of more effective practices and new insights from psychology and neuroscience and why their role needs to change. The authors call for the end of schooling as we know it and offer a better alternative. Their Web of Learning can organize the vital elements needed for academic success and is more suited to the new kind of child coming to school today. They describe an approach to developing curriculum and learning resources to individualize each person's path through school in ways that match their abilities. Instead of cascading failures in school, the program provides for success by eliminating learning debts and compensating for experiential deficits. The final chapters offer a detailed technical specification for the system, including the steps necessary to create it.

About the Author

Dr. Charles Stallard and his co-author, Julie Cocker, have decades of experience in education at all levels. Their two previous books examined the role technology could and should play in the future of education and why its use in K-12 schools has yet to improve America's educational ranking among nations. Their work as teachers, professors, and consultants has given them a broad and deep look at schools, the children of today, and the government that owns and runs the education enterprise. In this comprehensive review of the various elements of education in America, they reveal why schools, designed for a different era and different society, are beyond reform and what a new system that utilizes the power of the digital age can accomplish with the proper application of learning science and a clear purpose, a purpose undiluted by special interests seeking to extend their influence. They have broad experience in developing learning support systems for schools of all types across the U.S. and abroad. Based on what other nations are accomplishing with their learning support systems, their concerns are the motivation for this book, two years in the making. The intended audience includes parents, citizens, educators, and those in government who care about America's future.