After the Gold Rush

by William Stanley



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 2/20/2024

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 304
ISBN : 9781665756587
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 304
ISBN : 9781665756570

About the Book

After the Gold Rush is a collection of two wilderness stories set at the turn of the twentieth century in Canada’s Yukon Territory. Dawson is an entertaining story based on life after the Klondike Gold Rush. It is the story of a family who moves from a wilderness cabin in the forest, where they trapped fur, to a more suburban life. The couple inherit a home from their Aunt Bev, a long-time, Indigenous resident of Dawson. Folow the lives of Wendy and Jason, the new homeowners, as they continue the ways of their predecessor, entertaining family and friends who live and trap fur in the surrounding area. Share their adventure to Skagway, Alaska, as they accompany a barge of goods back to Dawson for their friend, Samuel. Black Hawk and White Dove is a story of love and adventure. The recently married, Indigenous couple begin their life together in a cabin deep in the forest. With help from their fellow trappers, the newlyweds learn how to survive in this harsh and unforgiving land. Follow Black Hawk and White Dove’s daily routines as they learn the ways of the bush and how nature controls the lives of those who live there. Both stories are fascinating tales, which truly capture the spirit of the Yukon. Readers are sure to enjoy these family adventures of life in a rugged land, filled with love and hope.

About the Author

Born in Peterborough, Ontario, the youngest of eight siblings, William Stanley took up writing after retiring in 2017. He is the father of two children and has been married for over forty years. William enjoys hiking, gardening, and spending time with his two grandsons at his home in Peterborough. He has published a total of six books and hopes readers will enjoy them all.