by Rafael Fraguada



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 3/19/2024

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 92
ISBN : 9781665758345
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 92
ISBN : 9781665758352

About the Book

A young boy visited a family as a child of the Fresh Air Fund. They placed kids from New York City out in homes and camps out in the country. Gabriel visited a family who knew for the rest of their lives. He became one of the family. They educated him and sent him to prep school. He was fortunate enough to get a scholarship to a mid western college where he enjoyed his life immensely where he competed in varsity soccer, wrestling and baseball. He was all smiles the first year. He was floored when he when he failed art, psychology, and philosophy in the first term of his second year. Never had he failed anything in his life. He didn’t think the courses were difficult. He took a few courses and they reinstated him. The same day the dean of students left a note on his door with the good news he had already joined the Marine Corps.

About the Author

Gabriel, born in New York city visited the Kelley family in Rocky Hill, Connecticut. He was there on the auspices of the Harald Tribune Fresh Fund who sent the cities poor children to the country for two weeks in the summer. He had his sixth birthday there with his first birthday cake. The family invited him back every summer and Christmas. They sent him to prep school and from there he went to college on a scholarship. His second year there he flunked out and joined the Marine Corps. He volunteered to go to Viet Name at the height of the war. When he returned from the conflict he entered school again but dropped out from boredom. He jumped into his life of love, women and fun.