One of Many in the Universe

Rogue Onedan

by Isaiah Rochon



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 1/30/2025

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 242
ISBN : 9781665763912
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 242
ISBN : 9781665763929
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 242
ISBN : 9781665763936

About the Book

In this second journey through the universe with Onedans there are several issues at hand. Nalvionne, after failed defiance against her father and unable to persuade her younger brother not to follow her misguided efforts to overhaul the nature of a hostile world, has resigned to the fact that her father’s mission is the most appropriate method of protecting peaceful worlds. She reluctantly joins the council established to analyze and evaluate a planet to determine its ultimate fate. Still doubting what success is considered. And opposed to the total annihilation of all life.
Aiden, Nalvionne’s younger brother was exiled on a primitive hostile planet that would have been destroyed if not for his defiance. His father expected that after being exposed to and trained by a planet full of warriors that he would have a tougher mindset. He should readily partake in the mission with decisive force against enemies when he observed the hostile behaviors that could threaten peaceful worlds when space travel advances inevitably develop. Aiden was assigned six generations to exhaust whatever influences he could to stop this hostile world he was left on from its historically ingrained habits. Something his father knew he would fail at, since millions of years of Onedan studies would have to be in error if this mission was unjust.
Vadion was infuriated with the opposition of his children, regretting not exposing them to the mission when they were younger and more impressionable. He suffered the effects of his gruesome work violently ensuring peace through the universe. Absent is his wife, still comatose from birthing their son. Vadion dwells in his dilemma of not properly pacing his children into the mission, unless he had another opportunity to do it correctly. Vadion was loved and admired by the entire crew of his ship, loved and adored as one of the most historic men of his world. It would not be very difficult for him to obtain a new mate to avoid his first mistakes. A child could be taken from a comfortable habitat and purposely conditioned to be ruthless, contrary to the peaceful nature of his home world. A Rogue Onedan.

About the Author

"Ike" Rochon is a New Orleans natve and still a resident of Louisiana. Growing up he was persuaded and encouraged to excel in acedemics by his mother, who always complimented his intellect. But his mother's best inspiration was her example, when she constantly wrote creative stories and poems. A talent she passed on to encourage endeavors beyond regular working to this day.
Following the positive feedback of the first novel, this second adventure is the middle of a three book trilogy. Ike is striving to complete the third book of this series and perhaps develop enough of a following for future writings. Everyone can work, but if you have an exceptional talent, you should share it with the whole world if possible. This is an opportnity for a new experience from a new author from a unique start from scratch in story telling.
Ike served in the US Army and has been serving as a Law Enforcement Officer since the military. With deployments to Bosnia and Iraq, then serving in Law Enforcement during historic events with a wide spectrum of experiences. An affinity for firearms and fitness made armed professions a no brainer, what could result from writing talent with a large enough audience?