A Companion Through Grief to Gratitude

by Dorothy Bodenburg MFT



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 1/31/2025

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 94
ISBN : 9781665772136
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 94
ISBN : 9781665772143

About the Book

A Companion Through Grief to Gratitude provides a sensitive and thoughtful exploration of the grieving process, guiding individuals to heal from the complexities of loss. The text effectively identifies stages of grief, including ‘pre-grieving,’ and illustrates the emotional turmoil that accompanies the decline of a loved one. This book’s unique approach to grieving emphasizes the importance of understanding grief as an interconnected experience involving mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual dimensions. This holistic approach fosters a deeper awareness of oneself and one’s circumstances, promising personal growth and healing. Learning to access and harmonize insights from an interconnected experience provides the readiness to reimagine a future and the courage to create one. The author, a Marriage and Family Therapist draws from personal experience, adding depth and empathy to the narrative.

About the Author

Over the past forty years, Dorothy Bodenburg’s varied background includes being a school teacher and counselor, a Marriage and Family Therapist, and creating spiritual psychology workshops given in the United States, Europe, and Asia. She authored The Next Step: Merging with Your Personality, Intuition, and Soul Level and Overachieving Parents Underachieving Children. In all her roles, she worked with those who experienced the loss of loved ones, as she has. Dorothy’s holistic perspective brings those who are grieving to a place of gratitude for the life they shared with their loved ones. She lives in Florida with her life partner Russ and their dog Roy. She has three daughters and seven grandchildren.